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European Council of Social Sciences


Solutions for you

Enhance your expertise.

Advance your career.

Quickly find the EUCSS training solutions that are right for your needs, goals, study preferences and availability.

Use the Training options, that include:

In-person training and conferences.

Expert-led virtual training.

On-demand online courses.

Print and printable study materials.

Customized, on-site corporate training.

On-Demand Learning

EUCSS offers a variety of online, on-demand courses for certification exam preparation and continuing professional education.

Online Events

EUCSS’s online events prepare participants for certification exams and offer opportunities to earn CPE credits. In addition, with the flexibility of this online program, you and your enterprise can stay current from virtually any location.

On-Site Training

On-site training can be held wherever is most convenient and cost-effective for your organisation. Choose the topic, location and course length, and benefit from one-on-one customer service from a member of the EUCSS staff.

Exam Review Courses

Review courses help you prepare for the certifications exams. Exam review workshops are available at many of EUCSS conferences. In addition, EUCSS offers Online Review Courses, an excellent way to prepare for the exam while earning valuable continuing professional education (CPE) hours.


vision in EUCSS

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Is to inspire and contribute in the world through research and enable continuous high quality education for all.